Saturday, April 7, 2012

Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman

Opening the heart means remaining open and loving no matter what another person does, no matter what occurs to you, or what happens in your career. It means choosing to feel peaceful no matter what your outer life looks like. It is easy to be loving and open when those around you are loving; the challenge is to be loving when those around you are closed, afraid, or negative.

Inner peace comes from within, not without.

What is the value of inner peace? It certainly feels better to the emotional body. However, it is more than that-it is the ability to affect the outer world from you highest level, to create and manifest from a focused place of purpose and an inner sense of who you are. When you are tranquil and calm, when you slow down and feel relaxed, you are able to create and think at higher levels. What you bring to earth and create from this space is your higher good.

You can create things when you feel tense, anxious, or fearful, but those things may not be for your highest good; in fact, they will probably not be. If, before you plan your life or think of new ideas, you find a sense of inner peace and operate from it, you will find your plans reflecting more of your soul's purpose than your personality's desires. If, before you act or speak, you bring this sense of peace, you will find your world changing rapidly into a very different place.

Inner peace is a connection to your deeper self, and it will assist you in letting go of fear.

Fear is a lower energy, a vibration of less light, and you can change it with love. One of the goals of having inner peace is healing fear. It may be fear that someone will hurt or reject you, abandon or run away from you. It may be a fear that you cannot make it in the world, a fear of putting yourself out there and failing. Inner peace is a connect to the heart and a willingness to let go of fear. You can achieve inner peace by letting go of feeling you have to defend yourself, and by being willing to be vulnerable. It is not putting on an act for other people; it is being willing to shine through as who you are and knowing you are alright.

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